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Monitoria provides active monitoring for your website. It will periodically send request to the website and verify it's still running. When it detects an issue, it will send you a notification.

You can create two types of monitors: Uptime monitor and SSL monitor.

Uptime monitor will send requests in short intervals and notifies you immediately when your website goes down.

SSL monitor will send a request every 24 hours and notifies you if your SSL certificate is close to expiration. You can configure how many days in advance you receive notifications.

How to create a new monitor?

Open Dashboard from the top menu and click on the New monitor button.

To create a new monitor:

  1. Fill the URL (address) of the website you want to monitor.
  2. Click on the Test request button. This will try to call the URL and verify it's returning a successful response. If your website is up and running, you should see green dialog confirming it.
  3. Click on the Test notification button. This will send a testing notification to your email address. You should verify the message won't end up in the spam folder. You can skip this step if you already confirmed you are receiving notifications.
  4. After you fill your URL and verify everything works as expected, click on the Create monitor button.

Congratulations! Your new monitor is up and running.

How am I going to be notified?

By default, a notification will be sent to the email address you used for registration.

Alternatively, you can specify a different email address when creating or editing a monitor.

For more information see:

How to add an alternative notification email to my account?

To add an alternative notification email, navigate to the profile page, and click on the Add Notification Email button.

After you fill in the email address, Monitoria will send a verification code to the specified email address.

To finish verification of the email address, enter the received verification code on the profile page.

How to configure my monitor to use an alternative notification email?

When creating or editing the monitor, click on the ADVANCED OPTIONS label. Now you can select an email address from the revealed dropdown.

You can verify that you can receive a notification by clicking on the Test notification button.

How can I log out from my account?

Log Out button is at the bottom of the profile page.

Uptime Monitoring Overview

The main purpose of the Uptime monitor is to alert you when your website goes down.

The monitor will send requests in a 5-minute or 1-minute intervals. If it receives 3 consecutive failures, it will send you a notification.

After 3 successful requests, monitor will notify you about the recovery.

Uptime monitoring

How monitor detects if my website is down?

When monitor sends the request to the website, it analyzes the returned response.

Response is successful only if returned status code is smaller than 400.

Response can fail for several reasons:

  • Response code is equal to or greater than 400.
  • Response takes longer than 15 seconds and times out.
  • Response is too large to process - the current limit is 2MB.
  • Any other error happens and monitor can't receive a complete response.
Uptime monitoring

How many failures will trigger a notification?

Monitor will enter alarming state and send the notification after 3 consecutive failed requests. Monitor will recover after 3 consecutive successful requests.

Uptime monitoring

What kind of request is monitor sending?

HTTP GET request.

Uptime monitoring

How often will monitor check if my website is alive?

You can choose from the following monitoring intervals:

  • 5 minutes (selected by default)
  • 1 minute

Monitoring interval can be configured when creating or editing your monitor.

To set a monitoring interval, first click on the ADVANCED OPTIONS label, then select a specific interval from the revealed dropdown.

Uptime monitoring

Is monitor going to follow the 301/302 redirect?


SSL Monitoring Overview

The main purpose of the SSL monitor is to remind you before your SSL certificate expires.

Monitor will check the certificate expiration time every 24 hours. If the expiration time is close, the monitor will send you a notification.

By default, notification is sent 30 days, 7 days, 1 day, and 0 days before the certificate expires. Then every 24 hours when the monitor can't establish an SSL connection.

You can configure notification periods when creating or editing your monitor.

SSL monitoring

How SSL monitor detects failure?

SSL monitor will make an HTTPS request to acquire a website SSL certificate and all certificates in the SSL certificate chain.

Monitor then iterates over the expiration dates and notifies you if any of the certificates is close to the expiration.

SSL monitoring

When will SSL monitor send a notification about the certificate expiration?

By default, notification will be sent:

  • 30 full days before certificate expiration.
  • 7 days before certificate expiration.
  • 1 day before certificate expiration.
  • 0 days before certificate expiration.
  • Every 24 hours when the monitor can't establish an SSL connection.

You can configure notification periods when creating or editing your monitor.

SSL monitoring

How can I configure how many days before certificate expiration I'm going to be notified?

You can configure SSL monitor notification periods when creating or editing the monitor. Notification periods are marked by the Notify before expiration (days) label.

To add a new notification period, click on the "+" button on the right and fill in the number of days.

To remove the notification period, click on the "x" button next to each period.

SSL monitoring

Is the expiration time of the whole SSL certificate chain checked?


All certificates in the SSL certificate chain are checked. Including all intermediate certificates and root certificate.

SSL monitoring

What if my service is down when the SSL monitor does the check?

When the SSL monitor fails to establish a connection, it will retry 2 more times with a 5-minute delay.

If all three requests fail and the monitor can't establish an SSL connection, you will receive a notification.

SSL monitoring

What kind of request is SSL monitor sending?

SSL monitor is sending HTTPS GET request to acquire the SSL certificate.

SSL monitoring

How often will monitor check my website certificates?

Every 24 hours.